Our title is itself a book's and the first sentence, see that after the comma, is in its front flap by journalist Scott Rosenberg. Let's take some more words from it and share here. Blogging brought the Web's native character into focus---convivial, expressive, democratic. Bloggers have become the curators of our collective experience, testing out their ideas in front of a crowd and linking people in ways that broadcasts can't match. Blogs have created a new kind of public sphere--one in which we can think out loud together. The preceding paragraph is all in the book flap, front and back. It is the simplest answer if somebody is asking what a blog is, then and now. Although we see that as the magnanimous purpose of a blog which is really enticing and challenging. It adds choices and rooms for both sources and audiences without the regular prescriptive cadence. What's common is the responsibility. Whether or not we do it via blog, print and online news, and whoever ...
It make sense to know what particular source our news, mass and social media has on for everyone. Not that we have to learn who's been always talking behind. It's more of how news came and what had caused them to deserve people's attention. How dependent are we in those media and if sources are purely obligated, and if they are truthful based on statements gathered upon which the language used wasn't obliterated.
Primarily, what would come to mind might be either television, newspaper and their online kind and counterpart. They are owned by entities including private and government-led. There are also designed for independent personalities and they are called self-publishing and blogging both of which might differ in context and purpose.
Alternatively we receive and read news from friends' shares and posts or forwarded via messaging and Internet-based forums. Sometimes, we usually find them every time we scroll our dashboard and timelines. Curiosities would get us to seek for noteworthy trends and causes. Further dig will reveal motive.
The credible sources are the creators of news themselves. Have first account and direct access to facts of the events. Either they were the ones that made the plot or simply relayed the information that goes on for the media to compose and publish.
Then there is the social occasion where individuals or small groups of special interests and community whose purpose is much more of a tittle tattle and back talk to the detriment of others as if without regard to repercussion and karma.
These sources, press, broadcast and various platforms including the web and social media facilitates real and fake news. The news that is truthful need not break the agony but it will never tear the bonds and trusts in between people and their organizations. The support for each stakeholder will be strong.
Spreading real news is a great way for everyone to learn what's going on. There is no denying it must continue to penetrate the society deeply without variation in itself. Real news will stand up to its constancy. It cannot bend to the whims of any person. It's so convincing nobody needs to prove it but if anyone who would will only make such case stronger and more reliable. Additional proofs gets to the real news' own defense.
The news that perpetrate uppity, publicity and mileage does not care about professional ethics and decorum. Tolerating fake news is an ignominy not only to the profession and its consumers, industry but the society as a whole. Fake news cannot go as far as any truism can go. Even if absent of an apparent unpopular hoi polloi and influence. Fake news should be ascertained and contained fast because there was not enough related information about it. Nothing to back it up whatsoever claims it got and indeed a fabricated news. Why do we always get to be the victim of fabricated and fake news and we still endeavor to share the same to others as if we have been coerced by nature, are we? Or is it about the use of complex language that can be thundery and fulgent to what?
Where there is no technology like Internet messaging, chatting and texts or native SMS in phones as another way to exactly transmit, forward or share news, people will relay, convey and speaks generally with the deduced, redacted and trimmed or abstract of the whole idea. When we do that, we miss the entirety of the news message and it will become blurred as it continues its way to everyone. This we need to stay on top of it. Be vigilant and watch those who are out there that tries to and continuously muddle the good intentions of real news.
Is news a human right? How about the contentious and long overdue freedom of information? Was news in the same snarled spirit as to the generally politically tethered access to publicly associated information? We now have more democracies, and it's probably the very idea of, and an instrument for, stakeholders to continue to advance social intercommunication and equality. Lots of texts exists about human freedom and rights but news is a primordial practice of governments about circulating and declaring most of positive developments in their societies.
Real news' unconditional truths need not rights, privileges and influences. It's most definitely need not fakes, conspiracy and the corrupted form to condition any misleading interest, purportedly of a public or democratic interest.
Isn't the truth in and for everyone far better than any news and the hollow outlook of the so-called accountability combined? The two must be distinct of each other. Remember not to promote pack rat. Spot and stop them upfront.