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Showing posts from June, 2021

Enterprise technology's juxtaposition, complementarity and application

The ability to see within an enterprise with operations requiring various technologies in information, communication, operational, security and compliance, or two or more of these, finds stakeholders, or the need to adjust techniques and make, some ingenious ways to be more effective in their responsibilities and deliverables or production. Enterprise technology is not an area and language to be used where there are only some specializations involved but which still within the confines of information technology. IT may have been serving utility operations or energy generation for sometime already and yet stakeholders cannot see how to work hand-in-hand to increase their own efficiency, and the output for which customers are very dependent. There are efforts but they remain completely separate and the result is the bigger realizations and concerns about costs rather than creation of value from the start, not just when profits began to come in. If IT is not clearly use in such environmen

[TW] Customers' trust and domains outside of internet's root

We all consider ourselves customers. Those who own businesses are customers even of their own. When we talk about the utility of technology, we often use customers to refer to our colleagues and some stakeholders that were provided access to our enterprise system. In business, customers are those who acquire and engage our products and services, respectively. Customers' trust is achieved and retained when we meet the expectations of our colleagues, stakeholders and the buyer of our products, services and ideas. Not only that we have assured them of those expectations in the contract or terms and conditions including some form of agreement but we attend to them sincerely when they need help. Giving them almost everything they need to form a decision. The experience must not be shallow and pretentious or they would notice whatever motive there is in between. Customers' trust is build not by the customers alone, just because we kept their experience up to their standards or we str

[TW] Conformance, blockchain and internet transit

From time immemorial to pre-digital regulations businesspeople and their employees have been attending to a lot of business-related policies and requirements imposed either by government where they have operational presence, commitment to acceptable practices and their own industry which includes human resources, labor, customers, food, nutrition, medicine, insurance, environment, workplace, sanitation, fire, electric, accreditation, licenses, securitization, trades, taxes, audit. Not every business have to deal with all of the above at once. Only those where their business have to do with any or some of them. However every business have to pay taxes and deal with employees, labor, accreditation, licenses including but not limited to safety procedures. In this case the decision makers are mostly businesspeople and they get better with some help for validation from their qualified experts. The present and beyond digital regulations include both pre-digital and everything that has someth

Technologist weekly: Introduction

Some friends, colleagues and few customers have been asking us to do this for not so long a time now. Finally, we have come to our senses or shall we say we have found a good enough time to do it.  Technolo gist weekly (tw) will be a lot shorter than our devices-and-articles and try to cover, by providing you the compendium and assortment of the significant developments in technology. Our first post can be expected coming Monday and every Monday thereafter for the succeeding posts. Thank you.