Their limitation to this could be predominant and the fact that they can only artificially provide with data which was practically fed from third-party sources without any initiative to find, associate and use the most updated account. Presently, AI is definitely a little farther than what search engines could do when giving out information. Although, AI seemed to have changed how search engines deal with data entirely. Their large language models, unless prudently orchestrated either by AI or human, or hybrid entities, we shall say that, we'll continue to see their performance, in such context, to be stillborn or lagging, if not full of primitive suggestions and information which can be useful, somehow, to the humans. In the meantime, the original source and those with firsthand information, if still around, shall be sought out.
Organization can impress upon with different tasks and responsibilities being attended to regularly by its stakeholders thereby gaining the upper hand in its production relative to smaller ones or individuals with limited workforce, and in a relentless aim a strategy of smaller entities cannot even be subdued, as history would suggest, by the greater ones. Productions caused by technology may not be affected by the number in human resources running it for a very good reason. It is entirely dependent on technology capacity with a leaders’ know-how on the business objective. With strategy, which can be mustered differently in many situations and environment and where the size of the organization is necessarily not a repute is especially true in TICO, most evidently in the area of operational technology with its increasing reliance on data especially nowadays. This is apprehended by those who has organization’s or top decision-maker's responsibility, mostly with leadership position se...