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Showing posts from 2024

Enterprise technology's juxtaposition, complementarity and application

The ability to see within an enterprise with operations requiring various technologies in information, communication, operational, security and compliance, or two or more of these, finds stakeholders, or the need to adjust techniques and make, some ingenious ways to be more effective in their responsibilities and deliverables or production. Enterprise technology is not an area and language to be used where there are only some specializations involved but which still within the confines of information technology. IT may have been serving utility operations or energy generation for sometime already and yet stakeholders cannot see how to work hand-in-hand to increase their own efficiency, and the output for which customers are very dependent. There are efforts but they remain completely separate and the result is the bigger realizations and concerns about costs rather than creation of value from the start, not just when profits began to come in. If IT is not clearly use in such environmen

Enterprise technology's juxtaposition, complementarity and application

The ability to see within an enterprise with operations requiring various technologies in information, communication, operational, security and compliance, or two or more of these, finds stakeholders, or the need to adjust techniques and make, some ingenious ways to be more effective in their responsibilities and deliverables or production. Enterprise technology is not an area and language to be used where there are only some specializations involved but which still within the confines of information technology. IT may have been serving utility operations or energy generation for sometime already and yet stakeholders cannot see how to work hand-in-hand to increase their own efficiency, and the output for which customers are very dependent. There are efforts but they remain completely separate and the result is the bigger realizations and concerns about costs rather than creation of value from the start, not just when profits began to come in. If IT is not clearly use in such environmen

Technology delivering technology

It has been every organization's goal, the industry where they operate included, to have a technology and help run and facilitate every, if not particularly the high-value, area of business.  Sounds just what technology is for almost everything that humans do, including their businesses. Right? It's what the technology team must do and they did.  However, some of the actions they are emulating doesn't seem to be true at all. It's still about technology for the sake of technology. This is not only wrong, it is breaking the very notion that technology is helping people and it is always there whatever they do. When technology arrives and they use it, what happens is the usual messy experience that they already had from the past, and to think they are now on the new ones and still encountering the same problem. Imagine why some organizations can do it better and had been always ahead. Meaning, problems are contained that people didn't even notice there was any, no matte