Our title is itself a book's and the first sentence, see that after the comma, is in its front flap by journalist Scott Rosenberg. Let's take some more words from it and share here. Blogging brought the Web's native character into focus---convivial, expressive, democratic. Bloggers have become the curators of our collective experience, testing out their ideas in front of a crowd and linking people in ways that broadcasts can't match. Blogs have created a new kind of public sphere--one in which we can think out loud together. The preceding paragraph is all in the book flap, front and back. It is the simplest answer if somebody is asking what a blog is, then and now. Although we see that as the magnanimous purpose of a blog which is really enticing and challenging. It adds choices and rooms for both sources and audiences without the regular prescriptive cadence. What's common is the responsibility. Whether or not we do it via blog, print and online news, and whoever ...
Global and local enterprises have all been impacted by the pandemic. The necessity to lay-off employees that is sudden is catastrophic. It is an important move to continue staying afloat, hold out longevity of cash positions and performing assets, and offering huge discounts despite limitations in business operation.
Question about reality of efficiency in organizations is more pronounced now than anytime before a crisis of vast proportion, this pandemic. True to almost everyone in business and working people nowadays. Fast turnover of employees is to a certain extent problematic.
Efficiency needs to answer truthfully about the widest contributions towards the entire organization. People at all levels are always affected by the loss of life or result of financial setbacks or diseases under these perilous situations.
Organizations' executives and management have been clamoring that data will enable them a solid evidence to push for the required decision-making which may happen quickly. Decisions can even be executed immediately. Data is based purely from people, and who collected themselves from their own accounts if not sourced from third-party. Purposeful data outcomes via artificial intelligence is also designed and setup, for now, and as usual by the majority in people.
The interpretation and presentation is another side of the integrity of data incarnation.
The IT practice is full of different area of individualized specialization for every single person, which time is full and has been used to be solely familiar on the product. That manner doesn't answer anything about organizations initiative for business goals. Not even have good enough understanding to the policy surrounding it.
How much more for making and accomplishing efficiency for the enterprise or entire organization?
IT teams whose job is in the same manner as expected here would make a great start. It is an important opportunity for the whole organization to be relentless and focused on their outcome and being mindful in the efficiency of their respective operations and that can be further enhanced with appropriate application and strategic handling of IT.
Do we need pandemic to reflect on and adjust for business efficiency? No.
Would business efficiency everywhere make dependable technical people more scarce for the small organizations? Shouldn't be.