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Showing posts from August, 2019

Say everything, blogs are everywhere

Our title is itself a book's and the first sentence, see that after the comma, is in its front flap by journalist Scott Rosenberg. Let's take some more words from it and share here. Blogging brought the Web's native character into focus---convivial, expressive, democratic. Bloggers have become the curators of our collective experience, testing out their ideas in front of a crowd and linking people in ways that broadcasts can't match. Blogs have created a new kind of public sphere--one in which we can think out loud together. The preceding paragraph is all in the book flap, front and back. It is the simplest answer if somebody is asking what a blog is, then and now. Although we see that as the magnanimous purpose of a blog which is really enticing and challenging. It adds choices and rooms for both sources and audiences without the regular prescriptive cadence.  What's common is the responsibility. Whether or not we do it via blog, print and online news, and whoever ...

How to save from Microsoft 365 or Teams and learn the basics of the solution from our first license and transaction

 Subscription and license fees for cloud services is not always appealing to small businesses. For big businesses, we are on a spending spree because we simply can, even if a license if not being used purposely and productively. With small businesses, no matter the need for Microsoft 365, we won't even try it. We did try but stopped and never subscribed back again. We consider the cost to be very high not just because of the service or product's license cost only. If accumulated for years compared to simply buying physical media, which is still the best bet. This, however, is going away. For some markets, it is not available anymore. How can a business get Microsoft 365 without breaking the planned budget allocation just for this service? There are options available from Microsoft 365 website. Pick the business, not family, personal or enterprise, which we may want to consider as well. With the cost the only consideration, any of this may not be a good choice. But then some fea...

Linux OS and Libre Office as antidote for counterfeit and outdated hardware, and the license-cost-aversed

 Counterfeit software is a katzenjammer no, neither in a production nor for personal use. We just don’t try it. It will suck up all the information we have been working on. Or we get redirected to an update server with full of malware on it. That’s the worse thing that may happen to any end-user who uses counterfeit software. It’s counterfeit if we bought our software, either a Microsoft Windows or Office or other applications, those from Adobe, AutoCAD and a lot more, from the pavement vendor or stall in a mall but it’s a pirated copy. Copies we have in our possession but we really didn’t buy them ourselves are considered counterfeit because they can be detected as another installation from a different computer and it’s a violation to its license, especially for an OEM, a single setup with identification to the first hardware it was on. We are not saying we can have everything in Linux for free. Some applications are still and only available in Windows operating system. We are tal...