Our title is itself a book's and the first sentence, see that after the comma, is in its front flap by journalist Scott Rosenberg. Let's take some more words from it and share here. Blogging brought the Web's native character into focus---convivial, expressive, democratic. Bloggers have become the curators of our collective experience, testing out their ideas in front of a crowd and linking people in ways that broadcasts can't match. Blogs have created a new kind of public sphere--one in which we can think out loud together. The preceding paragraph is all in the book flap, front and back. It is the simplest answer if somebody is asking what a blog is, then and now. Although we see that as the magnanimous purpose of a blog which is really enticing and challenging. It adds choices and rooms for both sources and audiences without the regular prescriptive cadence. What's common is the responsibility. Whether or not we do it via blog, print and online news, and whoever ...
The best time to learn the art and science of technology consulting or just the necessary practice required for a business not to be left behind or not to bleed cash unnessentially is now. Technology is magnanimous but it doesn't mean it has to continue being an alien to almost everyone.
Technologies surrounding computers, the Internet, programmable devices, sensors, AI, differentiated network convergence and decentralized systems, data and content are gaining an unprecedented development and adaptation within, and greatly affecting, enterprises, societies and their people. It must be the more powerful that everyone become a learned stakeholder, not just an end-user and leave everything to the vendor, service provider and their technology counterparts.
Smart cities are a giant technological upgrade and the experience must make people deal more for their lives in a better way.
Why make everyone learn?
Businesses can focus what matters to them. Technology can primarily help organizations to thrive, boost better capacity and achieve their goals which is more realistic to business systems, practices and compliance acquisitions, take them all-in, and adaptation of them regardless of business leaders and stakeholders' preferences or responsibilities.
How to make everyone learn?
Technology efforts need not be a nuisance to people. Enterprises need to continuously improve personnel capabilities or engage a third-party independent consultant to design, facilitate, train and assure the needed know-how for organizational and business priorities for technology investments, operations and management. A straightforward process must be expected to get the best absolute value done without problem.
An outsider that understood business and technical functions without having to go through rigid maneuvering must be sought.
An internal staff could have been better if their responsibilities were designed to see everything including what might affect their organizational goal's viability from the beginning. Even how they may perform would prove to be more complicated. It cannot be the technology people alone or business people trying to make things work full of imputations. Even knowledge transfer is troublesome in such case leaving the buyer or client company with dilapidated system.
Instead a good leader must be able to have a full and clear vantage of what's happening and what really is going to happen based on the project design and expected output and how it will have an impact to the company's businesses. The trust and delegation of responsibilities to subordinates are normal but not that the leader need not know anything about its people's work and output. Someone who can ascertain a needed outcome would be a real deal.
The number increases on customers' use of internet and more data. It is the cash crunch of all data consumers, in this time of ours. It has become more of a contention to connect than the realization of its value in itself. Customers cannot fathom how such a bad service is tolerated and allowed to continue in such state.
The experience is defrauding.
When millions of customers need to use the internet on their mobile as a necessity there must be a better way to handle complaints being brought up.
How do we make sure that we will never have to pay for a fabricated usage or the return of a load that has been eaten up? Millions can be made so easily. No sweat but it's a disservice for sure to the whole society not just consumers.
Device and software identifiers or data have made humans numbered. That means every activity that people do with their devices and online might be used and attached to them. Not only your computer's network media. There are lots of them.