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Showing posts from February, 2012

Cybersecurity sees everything

We should mean almost, digitally. With serious considerations to best practices, widely acceptable principles including that of, directly and indirectly related, applicable laws and, if any, for the sake of thoughtful and sensible transparency. Almost everything, in this case is about, as nations and industries are already taking it as an initiative to protect entities such as people, enterprises, assets, properties including but not limited to information, which is the sole subject of information security specialists but it's reality is more complicated than arguing on which security can cover which area. Technology practitioners should appreciate it. Those who goes beyond a few specializations could realized it and make an effective position paramount to a cybersecurity responsibility. And the size of that responsibility may mean breaking and delegating it with various roles, with those who are effective and prudent in their jobs.

Problems can be everywhere

So many trending mechanisms as well as initiatives can supposedly help IT efforts to function effectively and securely. Yet the figure is unprecedented and more costly for victims of incidents. Whether or not this is caused by an internal misuse, intentionally and not, or directed attack from outsider. Why can't organization replicate the effectiveness of others in its application and use of IT? It probably is their understanding of the language. It causes a different, most of the time inferior adaptation of the technology. Imagine the two things simply apparent to many practitioners, both in business and technology, about ICT. Non-stop technological advances. International standards document is relatively low priced. What matters here are their continuous improvement. Still failures continue to manifest and records are especially made by big organizations. Our belief is that it is in the efficacy ...