Their limitation to this could be predominant and the fact that they can only artificially provide with data which was practically fed from third-party sources without any initiative to find, associate and use the most updated account. Presently, AI is definitely a little farther than what search engines could do when giving out information. Although, AI seemed to have changed how search engines deal with data entirely. Their large language models, unless prudently orchestrated either by AI or human, or hybrid entities, we shall say that, we'll continue to see their performance, in such context, to be stillborn or lagging, if not full of primitive suggestions and information which can be useful, somehow, to the humans. In the meantime, the original source and those with firsthand information, if still around, shall be sought out.
So many trending mechanisms as well as initiatives can supposedly help IT efforts to function effectively and securely. Yet the figure is unprecedented and more costly for victims of incidents. Whether or not this is caused by an internal misuse, intentionally and not, or directed attack from outsider. Why can't organization replicate the effectiveness of others in its application and use of IT? It probably is their understanding of the language. It causes a different, most of the time inferior adaptation of the technology.
Imagine the two things simply apparent to many practitioners, both in business and technology, about ICT. Non-stop technological advances. International standards document is relatively low priced. What matters here are their continuous improvement. Still failures continue to manifest and records are especially made by big organizations.
Our belief is that it is in the efficacy of the decision makers and managers to deal with crucial matters in IT—especially if boundaries are not conjoining—only if it learns how to intervene. Here is where we draw the line that manager and head of IT have different responsibilities. The decision maker pursues its management strategy and the head of IT build company’s computing architecture. That alone clearly delineates how affairs are being executed at each end of the organization, of course, with ingenuity.
It is a fact that IT in its own right is complex primarily due to misunderstanding—from the managers up to the end-users—and expensive due to an outright mistake and waste during acquisitions. There is also a notion that IT is performing well when it is not. Why risk management is directly assigned ownership to decision makers, now often attributed and extended to IT, and being put as an additional burden to doing business when it is not so (naturally with IT)? They said it is a matter-of-fact that risk exist in IT, maybe, when they owned it, or maybe not, if they don't.
Imagine the two things simply apparent to many practitioners, both in business and technology, about ICT. Non-stop technological advances. International standards document is relatively low priced. What matters here are their continuous improvement. Still failures continue to manifest and records are especially made by big organizations.
Our belief is that it is in the efficacy of the decision makers and managers to deal with crucial matters in IT—especially if boundaries are not conjoining—only if it learns how to intervene. Here is where we draw the line that manager and head of IT have different responsibilities. The decision maker pursues its management strategy and the head of IT build company’s computing architecture. That alone clearly delineates how affairs are being executed at each end of the organization, of course, with ingenuity.
It is a fact that IT in its own right is complex primarily due to misunderstanding—from the managers up to the end-users—and expensive due to an outright mistake and waste during acquisitions. There is also a notion that IT is performing well when it is not. Why risk management is directly assigned ownership to decision makers, now often attributed and extended to IT, and being put as an additional burden to doing business when it is not so (naturally with IT)? They said it is a matter-of-fact that risk exist in IT, maybe, when they owned it, or maybe not, if they don't.