Their limitation to this could be predominant and the fact that they can only artificially provide with data which was practically fed from third-party sources without any initiative to find, associate and use the most updated account. Presently, AI is definitely a little farther than what search engines could do when giving out information. Although, AI seemed to have changed how search engines deal with data entirely. Their large language models, unless prudently orchestrated either by AI or human, or hybrid entities, we shall say that, we'll continue to see their performance, in such context, to be stillborn or lagging, if not full of primitive suggestions and information which can be useful, somehow, to the humans. In the meantime, the original source and those with firsthand information, if still around, shall be sought out.
It is, when you do have one or more of the following--
IT policies and procedures doesn't reflect real processes, efforts are workarounds and communications ill-defined or strict without the best of reasons.
No access verification and monitoring. Shares and lends credentials, computers and gadgets to each other. Browsing unconsciously, and wandering in, the Web. Opened emails that came from unknown individuals or sender very often without questions. Too much of a trusting person online. Uses the same flashdrive, borrowed or owned, for home computer and office computer. Update platforms and software irregularly. Very proud or dislike to cooperate with colleagues and friends or confident lone wolf. IT people enjoys computer games, doesn’t talk to business people. Risk not attended by IT and/or security people themselves.
IT policies and procedures doesn't reflect real processes, efforts are workarounds and communications ill-defined or strict without the best of reasons.
No access verification and monitoring. Shares and lends credentials, computers and gadgets to each other. Browsing unconsciously, and wandering in, the Web. Opened emails that came from unknown individuals or sender very often without questions. Too much of a trusting person online. Uses the same flashdrive, borrowed or owned, for home computer and office computer. Update platforms and software irregularly. Very proud or dislike to cooperate with colleagues and friends or confident lone wolf. IT people enjoys computer games, doesn’t talk to business people. Risk not attended by IT and/or security people themselves.
Mad and disruptive personalities and no respect for rules and regulations. Dismissive of, or no regard to, security protocols. Inattentive to security events.
Expensive and complex solutions that nobody else is aware. IT is dealt with exclusively.
Not enough awareness or doesn't care at all. Prefer second hand information.
Believe it or not. IT risks are--may be becoming one, if not already--business risks.
While stakeholders will want to benefit from the technological development that happens in and out of their organizations, their use of IT is not without associated risks towards their business. It is an everyone’s responsibility. They must scrutinize cautiously and their actions, too. Remember, we humans, our associations, practices and data, the technology we designedly and deliberately used including the very definition and purpose of our own security and privacy rules has, or might have impending if not an immediate, risks. Within the context of revolutionary and disruptive IT environment, risk management must be solidly built within IT programs and projects, comparable to an effective security and privacy mechanisms. Not an afterthought, they say, which is true. Risk management suggests there is no such thing as unpredictable solution. Even history and current IT events says the presence of, and understanding the, risks might be the best of reasons to further the hardening of business systems.
Within our organization, risk management practices or applications and principles must ascertain common grounds and applicability. How about efficiency? Encompassing organizational policies, regulations and technical controls must be reexamined and updated once in a while. Risks must be managed.
Within our organization, risk management practices or applications and principles must ascertain common grounds and applicability. How about efficiency? Encompassing organizational policies, regulations and technical controls must be reexamined and updated once in a while. Risks must be managed.