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Say everything, blogs are everywhere

Our title is itself a book's and the first sentence, see that after the comma, is in its front flap by journalist Scott Rosenberg. Let's take some more words from it and share here. Blogging brought the Web's native character into focus---convivial, expressive, democratic. Bloggers have become the curators of our collective experience, testing out their ideas in front of a crowd and linking people in ways that broadcasts can't match. Blogs have created a new kind of public sphere--one in which we can think out loud together. The preceding paragraph is all in the book flap, front and back. It is the simplest answer if somebody is asking what a blog is, then and now. Although we see that as the magnanimous purpose of a blog which is really enticing and challenging. It adds choices and rooms for both sources and audiences without the regular prescriptive cadence.  What's common is the responsibility. Whether or not we do it via blog, print and online news, and whoever ...

The IT Practice

It was electronics, next computers--then functions and uses came up from everywhere--and there were personal computers, servers, connectivity, business applications, information, analytics, artificial intelligence including smart machines and not ending with smart cities. What have you?
Take everything, and eliminate your biases of a certain product, if you are or will be gearing into IT Practice. Imagine high technology companies, these are the technology manufacturers themselves and create another businesses within it, that tries to compartment their people to deal only in a very specific technology or product. They are creating a team or their people to be limited of the extensions required for a technology to be even more useful with existing systems for the sake of their customers. Begin by learning the bits-and-ticks of both the business and IT. If already a practitioner then extend the learning either if not both of these areas. For business, observe and take things that matter with the realities of IT or simply for computing and automation purposes. Don't try to filter information. Be liberated as this is discuss to people, whoever they are, may be it’s the boss or colleagues. For IT must be for everyone, end-users including practitioners must also realize that it will make their lives easier. Not only the few that made IT available now. Not only for scientists and engineers that created as well as Europeans and Americans that invented early electronic devices that made up the computers and connectivity that we very well know facilitating our work beginning decades ago. Thanks to the market these technologies will continue to take advantage of our businesses and activities to advance further the opportunity of information technology--the sprawling technological extensions it created--and practice behind it. It is also for all the governments, businesses and individuals, now more than obvious with social media. Unfortunately, the experience is a stark contrast to social media and not so with our own business-computing or enterprise systems. Together the stakeholders continue to bring the technology to a greater heights and enable more opportunities for people regardless of their business and activity. It shortens the path to, and delivers fast on, communication. Provides better business facilities and smarter market insights. Makes life easier at the workplace. Contributes savings for the business and the people.
The practice in IT is not at all viewed the same way. Practitioners especially have their own specialization which then create wrong impression for their contribution in their company if they are given the chance or try to cover other or broader responsibilities. Just like other disciplines, these are known experts in their industries even regulators, but then caused enough to the past economic collapses. Nowadays, many businesses are not still definitive of their need with IT. Take that as an example why companies, local ones especially, couldn't even establish their basic technology platform.
IT and the practice itself is hard core on computing, information, connectivity and enterprise system—enables the technology to fit with the need of the business. The goal, how it was acquired, implemented and managed (AIM) makes the business and activity different from the crowd of technology adapters. These are those who simply copy what their counterparts are doing simply by paying a little bit more for a prospective employee to jump ship. A scenario that cannot be denied. Companies really lives within their industry they merely replicate off-the-shelf solutions recommended for them by their loyal or accredited vendor. They work and missing just a bit. The productivity output is not also different from each other. It can be done better.


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