Their limitation to this could be predominant and the fact that they can only artificially provide with data which was practically fed from third-party sources without any initiative to find, associate and use the most updated account. Presently, AI is definitely a little farther than what search engines could do when giving out information. Although, AI seemed to have changed how search engines deal with data entirely. Their large language models, unless prudently orchestrated either by AI or human, or hybrid entities, we shall say that, we'll continue to see their performance, in such context, to be stillborn or lagging, if not full of primitive suggestions and information which can be useful, somehow, to the humans. In the meantime, the original source and those with firsthand information, if still around, shall be sought out.
It's a statement and work of Peter Drucker. He's the management practice master, the dean of the profession and the discipline in general according to his works, literature and practitioners themselves. He's behind the notable Non-profit's Drucker Prize for which he defined innovation as change that creates new dimension of performance, which means very big about time in human activity.
Leaders of all organizations, in business, health, education, technology including but not limited to innovation, except military which may vary in high degree for some reasons, knows about management and why time is the best argument for humans to not forget when doing their job.
In consulting, generally, this is probably the main reason why their outcome is crucial and that their fees are not that cheap. They do understand their job, the value they create and contribute to the organization they work with. They can also be fully aware to the broader aspect of business which is the subject of their work regardless of the specifics of a given chore.
However, fees may have been always at the bottom of the agenda. On top is the solution itself. That's what they are for and as far as we can see.
They know what they are doing and also the variables around their work. They dislike failures in their outcomes and no excuses if at all. They just deliver and have it verified, always in tandem, with their work and as they progress. The intervening ruler will flash in red if there is mistake. Which can be corrected immediately.
With IT the goal can be made even more precise. While many says IT is complex and it is so only due to human differences in their ability to handle their own business which is mostly drawn out by outside factors. Some would even equate medicine's specialization to IT's specific practice area. It's completely different, they are linked up and integrated. Medicine is not except when patients health conditions have already developed complications.
IT can be addressed right away with the job at hand. No need history. IT practitioners education of solid fundamentals would show why something is wrong with a business application or the entire enterprise systems are in complete disarray.
An IT practitioner that doesn't have any excuse but to move forward and work and solve problems, will have no issue at all except for things that are out of its control. Organizations or clients need to understand this very well. Of course, with the help of its IT practitioner or IT consultnat. It shows why with the 8Ps we created when we began IT consulting, and then it helps how our training, its pedagogy, must be developed differently from the mainstream at a later part of our enterprise. There are solutions and services to explore, a trial and error scenario for many, which can result into expenses which, and time, are two important resources not to waste. Time can also say if a measurement being used for a certain activity is effective and how major resources are being used up, for the existence, or to support the continuing growth, of the business itself. It also states very loud about where an organization is now and then with respect to innovation, business systems and/or IT maturity, its market and not ending with competition.
Leaders of all organizations, in business, health, education, technology including but not limited to innovation, except military which may vary in high degree for some reasons, knows about management and why time is the best argument for humans to not forget when doing their job.
In consulting, generally, this is probably the main reason why their outcome is crucial and that their fees are not that cheap. They do understand their job, the value they create and contribute to the organization they work with. They can also be fully aware to the broader aspect of business which is the subject of their work regardless of the specifics of a given chore.
However, fees may have been always at the bottom of the agenda. On top is the solution itself. That's what they are for and as far as we can see.
They know what they are doing and also the variables around their work. They dislike failures in their outcomes and no excuses if at all. They just deliver and have it verified, always in tandem, with their work and as they progress. The intervening ruler will flash in red if there is mistake. Which can be corrected immediately.
With IT the goal can be made even more precise. While many says IT is complex and it is so only due to human differences in their ability to handle their own business which is mostly drawn out by outside factors. Some would even equate medicine's specialization to IT's specific practice area. It's completely different, they are linked up and integrated. Medicine is not except when patients health conditions have already developed complications.
IT can be addressed right away with the job at hand. No need history. IT practitioners education of solid fundamentals would show why something is wrong with a business application or the entire enterprise systems are in complete disarray.
An IT practitioner that doesn't have any excuse but to move forward and work and solve problems, will have no issue at all except for things that are out of its control. Organizations or clients need to understand this very well. Of course, with the help of its IT practitioner or IT consultnat. It shows why with the 8Ps we created when we began IT consulting, and then it helps how our training, its pedagogy, must be developed differently from the mainstream at a later part of our enterprise. There are solutions and services to explore, a trial and error scenario for many, which can result into expenses which, and time, are two important resources not to waste. Time can also say if a measurement being used for a certain activity is effective and how major resources are being used up, for the existence, or to support the continuing growth, of the business itself. It also states very loud about where an organization is now and then with respect to innovation, business systems and/or IT maturity, its market and not ending with competition.